Hind Filters Private Limited
Dewas Soya Limited


Board of Directors :


Mr. Ravi Mohan
Mr. Chandra Mohan
Mr. Manohar Keshav
Mr. S.L.Moondhra
Mr. G.S.Chopra
Mr. Umesh Wamorkar (Nominee ARCIL)
Mr. Suriender Kumar Aggarwal (Nominee Bank Of India)

Registered Office

Mr. S.L.Moondhra : Senior Executive Director

Mr. S.L.Moondhra has Masters Degree in Commerce and Bachelor Degree in Law. He is also a qualified Chartered Accountant. He has been with the group since 1975 and has experience of 35 years.

Hind Spinners Pillukhedi :

Mr. Rajesh Pipraiya : (G.M Works)

Mr. Rajesh Pipraiya has Bachelors Degree in Textile and has experience of 22 years. He has been with the group since 2002

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